My name is Kristán Henderson and I grew up in the San Francisco Bay Area. I’ve kind of always been searching for my purpose, somewhere I fit in. This has resulted in various hobbies and interests ranging from Marine Biology to the Arts. A few things I enjoy are playing guitar, reading fantasy and sci-fi books, and binge-watching television shows.
An old family friend offered me an internship in graphic design because she saw an old video I created and wondered if I could start doing videos and graphics for her online fashion company. I have always had an affinity for the arts whether that be video, art, drama, etc. I didn’t have much experience or exposure to graphic design at this point. I took a chance and accepted the internship. My major was computer science, but that quickly changed as I continued to discover more about the field.​​​​​​​
I've become obsessive with the design process. One of my favorite attributes of graphic design is that it allows me to explore my interests and exposes me to new ones. This a pursuit that actively challenges me and pushes me to learn about the visual world. I know the importance of communicating visually, due to an auditory processing disorder I struggled with when I was younger. Graphic design beat out the many pursuits I’ve had throughout my life, I knew this one would stick.
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